
External Helpline and Hotline Programs- A new standard for ethics and compliance

Legal compliance for workplace management has become increasingly difficult as new laws continue to favor employee rights. The risk of failure to comply with ever-changing laws is high, as many employers are simply not prepared to address the most sensitive issues they’re likely to encounter. What’s more, these sensitive issues are not being brought forward [...]

The Cost of Workplace Misconduct and How to Avoid It

Workplace and life challenges - from the outside in Most employers don’t know the true costs of lost productivity and revenue due to misconduct. Issues that arise in your workplace tie back to your statutory obligations, like sick leave. Even if you think it’s not your problem, it’s your problem. If you knew that you [...]

What Equal Pay For Equal Work Really Means

Pay Equity Translated for the Common Employer Equal Pay Laws are often overlooked and ignored by good people, who think they’re treating employees fairly. The reality of employer compliance is really much more complex. Across the United States, there are 24 different types of legal provisions on Equal Pay that establish the who, what, when, [...]

What the New Oregon Paid Family Medical Leave Means to You

On August 9, 2019, the Paid Family & Medical Leave (PMFL) insurance program was created to provide partially or fully compensated time away from work for employees who require Family, Medical or Safe leave. The law allows covered individuals to receive up to 12 weeks of paid time off to recover from serious illness, bond [...]

What OregonSaves Means for Every Employer

On May 15, 2020, the State of Oregon will require all private-sector employers with one (1) or more employees (based in Oregon) to participate in the OregonSaves program. Open to everyone, the state-run retirement program is intended to make it easier for workers in Oregon to save for retirement by contributing a portion of their [...]

By |2020-01-03T01:04:51+00:00January 3rd, 2020|Benefits, Compensation, Compliance|1 Comment

Oregon Businesses – Don’t Get Clucked Over the Equal Pay Act

Each time a new labor law is passed or rule approved, there’s typically some ominous warning from the Department of Labor about the dramatic $10k fines as a consequences of inaction or not remaining current. Could that really happen?

By |2018-02-17T20:22:28+00:00December 18th, 2017|Compliance, HR 101, Salaries and Wages|0 Comments

Can I Classify a Worker Like an Administrative Assistant as an Independent Contractor?

Is it possible to classify an administrative assistant as an independent contractor so you can hire them for a 90-day try-out period? This might sound like a good idea, but the short answer is no, you cannot.

By |2017-07-23T16:07:42+00:00August 9th, 2017|Compliance, Hot Topics, HR 101|0 Comments

What Should I Do if an Employee Refuses to Sign the Handbook?

Because your employee handbook outlines your company's guidelines and policies, it's important that your employees sign off on having received their handbook. It demonstrates that not only did they receive it, but they are also responsible for knowing its contents. What happens when one of your employees refuses to sign the handbook though?

By |2018-02-21T02:06:21+00:00August 9th, 2017|Compliance, HR 101|2 Comments
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