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Student Loan Repayment Benefits – What’s In It For You?

Frequently, I see glossy ads in HR magazines about student loan repayment services and wonder if this Student Loan Repayment Benefit is truly a benefit or the equivalent of pet insurance. discovered modifications to the benefit structure which include pre-tax dollars to students with no out-of-pocket costs to the employer. Ready to be a [...]

By |2022-11-30T17:14:32+00:00September 29th, 2022|Benefits, Hot Topics|8 Comments

The Self-Employed 401K

One of the advantages of running your own business is being able to manage the money coming in and the expenses going out. But, unless your company has big capital expenses such as equipment, vehicles, computers and such, you may find yourself looking for ways to shield what your business earns from taxes. A 401K [...]

External Helpline and Hotline Programs- A new standard for ethics and compliance

Legal compliance for workplace management has become increasingly difficult as new laws continue to favor employee rights. The risk of failure to comply with ever-changing laws is high, as many employers are simply not prepared to address the most sensitive issues they’re likely to encounter. What’s more, these sensitive issues are not being brought forward [...]

The Cost of Workplace Misconduct and How to Avoid It

Workplace and life challenges - from the outside in Most employers don’t know the true costs of lost productivity and revenue due to misconduct. Issues that arise in your workplace tie back to your statutory obligations, like sick leave. Even if you think it’s not your problem, it’s your problem. If you knew that you [...]

What Equal Pay For Equal Work Really Means

Pay Equity Translated for the Common Employer Equal Pay Laws are often overlooked and ignored by good people, who think they’re treating employees fairly. The reality of employer compliance is really much more complex. Across the United States, there are 24 different types of legal provisions on Equal Pay that establish the who, what, when, [...]

How You Respond to COVID-19 Will Define Your Employer Brand

What's at Stake without A Covid Response Plan? More than ever, how you treat your employees during a time of challenge as disruptive as COVID will follow you and impact employer reputation. The fundamental question all employers must be able to ask themselves when recruiting for new talent is “Why would someone want to work [...]

Communications During COVID-19

A Covid Response Plan for Everyone Back in March of 2019 when the fear and uncertainty over COVID was spiking sharply, Coinbase was one of the first companies to design and make their COVID response plans public for everyone to use and apply. Their head of communications, Daisy Linden, also had some timely advice on [...]

By |2021-02-02T23:00:12+00:00January 18th, 2021|Covid, Employee Relations, Hot Topics, Workforce Management|2 Comments

Foster Trust With Remote Teams – Team Building Toolkit

COVID-19 has forced a revolution in how people work. To maintain the safety and well-being of employees, organizations have adopted a remote work culture. To help you on your journey, we have assembled a team-building toolkit just for you! Trust improves team performance A recent research report by Gartner shows that organizations with high levels [...]

By |2021-02-02T22:57:25+00:00January 18th, 2021|Covid, Employee Relations, Hot Topics, Workforce Management|0 Comments

Build the Workforce You Need After COVID

During COVID there are absolutely disruptions and hardship, but also incredible opportunities to reset and think differently. Instead of instinctively looking to fill key roles, focus on acquiring the skills you need to gain an edge over the competition. In late November 2019 Gartner was reporting that the top priority for HR leaders in 2020 [...]

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