
The HR Handbook – Is It Time To Shift Your Perspective?

Last week I was helping the CEO of a community organization sort through a sticky employee matter. As we were sorting through details and options, one thing she mentioned instinctively was that there was no human resources policy in place for how to handle that type of situation. I was leaning heavily towards a swift [...]

By |2022-04-01T18:54:22+00:00April 1st, 2022|Uncategorized|1 Comment

External Helpline and Hotline Programs- A new standard for ethics and compliance

Legal compliance for workplace management has become increasingly difficult as new laws continue to favor employee rights. The risk of failure to comply with ever-changing laws is high, as many employers are simply not prepared to address the most sensitive issues they’re likely to encounter. What’s more, these sensitive issues are not being brought forward [...]

The Cost of Workplace Misconduct and How to Avoid It

Workplace and life challenges - from the outside in Most employers don’t know the true costs of lost productivity and revenue due to misconduct. Issues that arise in your workplace tie back to your statutory obligations, like sick leave. Even if you think it’s not your problem, it’s your problem. If you knew that you [...]

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